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Pope John Paul II
Message from Jesus to All
Heresies in the Neocatechumenal Way
Era of Peace is a catholic site from Malta. The Era of Peace is promised by Our Lady, in various
messages, locutions and apparitions, as well as by Jesus Christ Himself in
the Bible. The purpose of the site is not to make you fear something, or to offend
somebody. I'm talking about beliefs, the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
When Jesus comes back, it won't be for a nice "era of pace" of a thousand years like some say.
It will be for the Last Judgement!
Some ask are we in the end-times?
Please read the messages of Our Lady for an answer. Be prepared, as when it's time to die, it's the end of
the world for you of course. Before Jesus returns in His Second Coming, a purification
(e.g The Warning) is necessary, and Our Lady and the Pope have spoken about
this. For example:
Pope John Paul II (Gen. Aud., 4th August 1999):
For those who are open to God, but in an imperfect way, the road
towards the full beatitude requires a purification, which the faith of
the Church illustrates through the doctrine of
Purgatory (cfr Cathechism of the Catholic Church,
Neocatechumenal way a heresy encouraged by Rome?
The Neocatechumenal way has a 400-page book revealing the reality of their association, reserved to the catechists
of the Movement and nobody else can acquire it. It became public due to an indiscretion. They say in their
'catechism' book: 'Don't tell this to anyone else.. If people knew about this, they
would go away quickly...' - it's more like Freemasonry rather than anything
How long can man flout their disobedience to the
Church and to God?
On Liturgical Abuse "Jesus came to forgive sin NOT to accept it!"
Adoremus Bulletin Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy
Vol. III, No. 1: March 1997
"For I have given you an example, that you also should do" By Father Jerry Pokorsky
On Holy Thursday, in parishes throughout the United States, twelve men and women will
assemble in the sanctuaries during the Mass of the Lord's Supper to have their feet ritually
washed by a priest. Although many Catholics -- both men and women -- are disturbed by the
practice of washing women's feet, probably most barely take notice. (Full Story)
Even Fasting May Be Abused - Abandonment to the Will of God is all.
Our Lady asks us to Pray, Pray, Pray updated on 21/3/01
You can now pre-order Fr Zoffoli's book at a specially reduced rate.
A neocatechumenal way catechist on the radio said 'It does not matter what
you do in this life. God just wants you to go to Heaven.' showing
everyone more proof of what they really believe (i.e. everybody will go to
Heaven) updated on 18/3/01
A Vatican document IN FRENCH on how the Neocatechumenals did not have
permission to modify the Liturgy of the Mass as they claim is available
to MojoNation users at
it is indexed using keywords including "Vatican", "letter" and "Neocatechumenals".
UPDATE: Neocatechumenal Way and the Catholic Church updated on 17/3/01
UPDATE: Ch 3 of Fr Zoffoli's book on the Neocatechumenal Heresy (also chapters 4,5,6,7)
Blunt Papal Warning to urch - Against
abuses which have their origin in Kiko and Carmen's heretic "catechesis".
NEW page - Neocatechumenal Way and the Catholic Church - are
they headed in the same direction?
A neocatechumenal way preacher on the radio was asked two questions:
Does the Neocatechumenal Catechism of Kiko agree with the Catholic
Catechism? (It clearly does not)
Does the Neocatechumenal way say that the Eucharist is derived from the
congregation? (Kiko says so in his Catechism)
The answer given was NOT that it agrees. He said the Pope and Bishop agree
with them (so they would agree with their errors then), and did not say
anything about the second question. Furthermore about crumbs of Consecrated
Bread (Eucharist), he said it is not a problem if it falls as there is
usually a carpet. Any further comments are superfluous at this point.
A link between the Neocatechumenal Way and the Opus Dei (French)
A new link between Opus Dei and Neocatechumenal Way (Spanish)
Neocatechumenals and the Freemasons - Coincidences or a Time Bomb? (Italian)
Now Kiko has influenced a US Diocese with this heretical concept and they have
banned the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament! Read
the news here. Please call for the reform of the Neocatechumenal movement,
as it is badly needed, write to your local Bishop about these heretical concepts.
You can see how heretic Kiko's teaching is. Read more on
the neocatechumenal heresies (a whole book was written on the subject, not by myself,
but by Fr Zoffoli). Some antichristian comments by Neocatechumenals were received in the old
guestbook. They said that for them the heretical doctrine is 'ok' since they
have met with the Pope. Wow. Even communists and atheists have met with the
Pope and it means nothing. Their insults show that they have no real answer
to the heretic teachings they have spread. They seem to be fundamentalists in this

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