Era of PeaceCh 1. No Redemption - Heresies in the Neocatechumenal WayJESUS CHRIST FOUNDED THE CHURCH SO THROUGHOUT THE CENTURIES IT WOULD APPLY TO SOULS THE FRUITS OF ITS REDEMPTION; NEGATING THE LATTER, THE CHURCH HAS NO SUFFICIENT REASON BEFORE GOD OR BEFORE HUMAN SOCIETY AND HISTORY. NOW, THE N.M., IN KIKO'S DOCTRINE, REJECTS "REDEMPTION"; THUS IT IS OUTSIDE OF AND AGAINST THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. In reality, according to Kiko, to the current "process of desacralisation and faith crisis, the Holy Spirit (...) has answered with the Council". In which way? "The Council replied by renewing Theology. And the d o g m a of redemption has not been spoken of since..." (p. 67) The Vatican Council II however teaches the opposite, because Jesus, "by his obedience he brought about our redemption" (LG 3).
We will soon see that the phrase of Kiko has some assumptions of enormous dogmatic range. Redention has been merited by the atonement, done by Christ in the Sacrifice of the Cross, which in the last instance leads us to sin as offending God... Precisely what Kiko rejects opposing the Magisterium of the Church based upon the Word of God in tradition and in written forms. On to Chapter 2